lucky break

美 [ˈlʌki breɪk]英 [ˈlʌki breɪk]
  • n.好运
lucky breaklucky break
  1. Unlike the Forced Wait , which is also voluntary , waiting for your lucky break does not necessarily mean that it will happen .


  2. His first lucky break was meeting a famous film producer .


  3. I got my lucky break when I won a ' Young Journalist of the Year ' competition .


  4. They admit they are now desperate for a lucky break


  5. And then , one day , my lucky break comes .


  6. Well , I did get one pretty lucky break .


  7. We try the next aisle and catch a lucky break .


  8. But at least Salomon had received one lucky break .


  9. M : Lucky break together means something good that happens that you were not expecting .


  10. Eddie got a lucky break with his solo show .


  11. It 'll be through a lucky break or because somebody got careless .


  12. Too often we believe what accounts for others'success is some special secret or a lucky break .


  13. M : I said : it was a lucky break that I knew most of the answers .


  14. On Tuesday , you could receive a lucky break from a co-worker or colleague .


  15. At lust I had a lucky break into the great citadel of publishing .


  16. MALLOY : So what a lucky break for me .


  17. But during those years Johnny got a lucky break , Lori had introduced him to actor Nicolas Cage .


  18. The 50th birthday of " Love Me Do " is also the anniversary of a lucky break for the band .


  19. Things will go surprisingly well on that day and you 'll likely see a lucky break on this day , especially for home-related matters .


  20. So we may credit the achiever with brains , brawn or lucky break and let ourselves off the hook because we fall short in all three .


  21. The decision put Peter Buffett in position to get his lucky break & a chance encounter that led to a meeting with an animator who worked with a fledgling cable channel called MTV .


  22. Most successful prosecutions in the past have been the result of whistle-blowing or a lucky break ; regulators have long suspected that many companies have publicly supported the law while privately turning a blind eye to dodgy activities abroad , doubtless assuming that they would never be caught .


  23. For " Tumsa Nahin Dekha " ( a lucky break in several ways , for the established star Dev Anand was meant to play the lead , but had walked out ) , he was offered 20000 rupees and complained it was too little ; at which the producer slapped him for a fool .


  24. Over five years or so , those who invested in stock markets when they were very expensive were lucky to break even after counting inflation .


  25. Stamp shows have proliferated , drawing hundreds of thousands of buyers and gawkers at a time when similar events in the U.S. are lucky to break into the five figures .


  26. If you gamble you 're lucky when you break even .


  27. If we 're lucky , we 'll break even .
